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Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Floors

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Floors 04 15 Duncan Blog SR

Winter is over and you suddenly have that itch to get your home spick-and-span. You’ve dusted the shelves, cleaned the ceiling fans, and reorganized your closets — now it’s time to refresh the floors. But where do you start? There are so many different types of flooring. Before you bust out the vacuum and a bucket of soapy water, consider these tips for spring cleaning your floors.

Bring Carpet Back to Life

Make sure you have a high-quality vacuum with a brush roll for carpeting. Wash or replace the filter and pull all hair and debris from the rolls. This will result in a deeper clean. Once the carpet is vacuumed, you can spot clean all stains by blotting with (room temp water) a damp cloth or sponge to moisten the fibers and then use a carpet-safe stain remover or even white foam shaving cream! Leave on for 15-30 mins. before blotting away the stain. Baking soda is another great way to lift out those stubborn stains. For non-greasy stains, dampen the area and sprinkle a generous amount of dry baking soda on the area. Then lay a damp cloth over the stain (or use a spray bottle to keep it moist) and let it sit for a minimum of 3 hours or overnight for best results. Then simply vacuum it away! If the stain doesn’t come up on the first try you can repeat the process. Always remember to never “rub” or “wipe” any kind of stain on your carpet, this causes damage to the fibers and it’s likely to set the stain further into the fibers, blotting is the best way to lift any stain. You can also choose to shampoo your carpet or use a steam cleaner to make your carpet look like new again.

Revive Wood Floors

First, sweep away dirt or vacuum with a hard floor attachment. If the hardwood is sealed, you really only need a slightly damp mop to clean up after spills. Avoid using too much water or abrasive cleaners as this could damage or warp the floor. For unsealed and waxed hardwood floors, simply sweep and occasionally polish. If there is significant dirt build-up, you will need to remove the wax and reapply.

Liven Laminate 

Laminate is considered a low-maintenance flooring as it generally only requires regular sweeping and spot cleaning. For a deeper clean, you can use a gentle hard floor vacuum, a cleaner designed specifically for laminate, and a microfiber dust mop. Avoid soapy detergents, steam cleaners, and abrasives as these will all quickly damage the laminate. Also, be sure to wipe up water immediately as this can warp the flooring.

Revitalize Vinyl

Vinyl is one of the easiest floors to maintain. Simply sweep or vacuum and then clean with a soft mop or microfiber cloth that is lightly dampened with water and a mild detergent. When using this method always be sure to use a slightly damp mop or cloth over the floors after using any kind of detergent. The best route is to buy a cleaner that’s specifically made for cleaning vinyl flooring. 

Tidy Up Tile

Typically made of ceramic or porcelain, tile is beloved for its durability. Start with a good vacuum or broom to sweep up loose dirt and debris. Then mop up with warm water or a dilution of white vinegar and water. Always check with the manufacturer first before deciding to use a specific detergent or steam cleaner. For older tiles, you can brighten grout with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and a small bristle brush. When scrubbing or brushing grout lines, it’s important to be very gentle for this process. If too much force is used it will cause the grout to deteriorate.

For More Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Floors, Contact DUNCAN Flooring Specialist 

As Chicago’s leading flooring company since 1977, DUNCAN Flooring Specialist can help you with all your flooring questions. If you are unsure about how to properly clean your floor, our flooring professionals can point you in the right direction or reach out to manufacturers for further assistance. And when spring cleaning just isn’t enough, DUNCAN Flooring Specialist will get your home looking fresh again with a brand new floor. Offering an extensive assortment of high-quality materials, we are confident that we will find the right flooring for your style and budget.

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