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Ideal Flooring Solutions for Your Restaurant

Best Flooring Solutions for Your Restaurant Space 

DuncanFlooring15 DZRestaurants vary by location, cuisine, food preparation methods, price, style and much more. The type of restaurant will greatly influence the interior design, including the flooring. Learn about the various high performing and durable flooring options available for your dining space with the experts at DUNCAN Flooring Specialist.

Vinyl and Luxury Vinyl Tiles 

For both a functional and aesthetically pleasing flooring solution, consider vinyl!  Vinyl mimics the look and feel of hardwood floors, real slate and ceramic tile – allowing you the opportunity to choose a style that best suits your restaurant.  Luxury vinyl tiles are waterproof and stain resistant.  Vinyl flooring also absorbs noise, which can prove to be useful in loud dining environments. Additionally, luxury vinyl tiles are stylish, yet affordable. You can choose  from a wide selection of tiles and experience an easy installation process. If installed in your dining area, it is important to be mindful when rearranging or moving furniture to avoid surface damage.

Porcelain or Granite Tiles 

Tile is another alternative for flooring material that complements commercial restaurant spaces.  Porcelain or Granite tile come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures giving a crisp clean look. These two specific tile materials are extremely durable, can withstand heavy foot traffic – more than traditional clay ceramic (which chips or cracks easily) or stone (slate or marble are porous and demand a higher level of regular surface treatments and maintenance) and would need to be repaired or replaced less often.  

Rubber Flooring  

The kitchen is a busy place. Between food preparation and handling, it is important to have flooring that keeps employees safe. Rubber flooring is ideal for the kitchen because it is durable, slip resistant, and stain resistant. 

Hardwood Flooring 

Another popular flooring option for a restaurant is hardwood flooring. It is available in different wood grains, colors, stains, finishes, and textures. This type of flooring can really enhance your space and give off a warm ambiance. The advantage of installing hardwood flooring is that if it becomes scratched or worn down over time, it can be refinished, looking as good as new!. 


Versatile and modern, laminate is a flooring solution that can create a great ambiance and overall dining experience. This material imitates the natural appearance of real hardwood flooring, giving off a sleek and more upscale look. Laminate is available in different finishes as well as a variety of styles. The benefits of this flooring material include its resistance to stains, resistance to scratching and wear, and the ability to withstand weight from heavy objects, making it perfect for a restaurant dining room setting. 

Find High-Performance Flooring Solutions for Your Restaurant at DUNCAN Flooring Specialist 

When you’re ready to find the perfect flooring solution for your restaurant, contact the professionals at DUNCAN Flooring Specialist. Our team will walk you through the decision-making process and ensure your project runs smoothly so that your business can thrive. We carry a complete line of flooring products, including high-quality carpet, porcelain, ceramic tile, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and luxury vinyl tile, rubber flooring, and tile, and much more. Based on your style and budget, we will help you find the right solution for your space. To schedule a consultation with one of our floor specialists, give us a call or fill out the contact form available on our website. We’re ready to bring your vision to life!

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