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Cleanliness In Commercial Flooring

2019.4.15 DuncanFlooring BlogKeeping Commercial Flooring Clean

There are some businesses that are going to have a lot of dirty build-up. Have you ever seen a completely clean floor at the auto shop? Well, that’s okay. That’s the type of business where you expect to see oil and grease stains. But there are other places where the floors need to be clean at all times. Restaurants, for example, should have nice, clean floors. But even more important than a restaurant, you want to have clean commercial flooring in a healthcare facility and other workspaces where cleanliness is the utmost of concerns. Here are a few considerations for commercial flooring in areas that absolutely have to be clean.

Don’t Forget About Slips

While cleanliness is very important, those choosing the commercial flooring options also have to think about the slippery nature of certain floor types. They don’t want to choose polished marble, for example, because it can be very slippery, especially when it is wet. That’s not a good option for any restaurant or healthcare facility. You’ll need something with a little grip to it that also can be kept clean.

Avoid Cracks

Flooring that has cracks, seams, or crevices can hide germs and allow them to bread. In situations where the presence of germs is dangerous, a rolled flooring with welded seams can give the commercial flooring the right smooth feature that is necessary to keep things clean. Any cracks available are places that germs can run, even if the floors are tended to on a regular basis.

Go With Matte

While shiny floors give you that ‘sparkling clean’ look, high-gloss floors also show any dirt that they obtain—and they can be slippery. When you are looking for something that works well in a healthcare facility, the matte look will keep up with its appearance and give you a bit more grip to avoid falls.

Clean With Frequency

In order to keep any commercial flooring clean, the cleaning has to be regular and done in the proper manner. Whatever flooring you end up choosing, make sure you have the proper cleaning equipment to get into all the corners and under beds and other areas. When it’s important that the floors are clean, try to get furniture and other items that you can easily move so you can get to all of the flooring. Steam cleaning is one option over using a mop that generally just moves the grim around. Steam cleaners, on the right type of coloring, can get rid of germs and bacteria without contaminating the area.

Get Advice On Commercial Flooring Options

If you want just the right flooring for your health care facility, restaurant, or other location that must stay clean, contact the experts at Duncan Flooring. Once you describe your facility and let us know more about what you need, we can point you to the right material. And once you make that decision, you then have to figure out colors, styles, and other important aesthetics to get just the right fit.

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